Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Welcome to My Nonsense

And so another jackass begins blogging on the internet

About 3 months ago the company i worked for decided that it would be more profitable if it just shit it's pants and kicked us all out on the curb. So they did, which left me with an awful lot of free time, and no outlet for all the voices in my head.

Now I'm not sure how but i managed to get a girlfriend. A real one who's actually pretty and let's me have sex with her. The problem with this, is lately I've been acting a fool and i needed an outlet for my crazy to go, i figured start a blog, or start selling drugs on the street corner. 

Since i am afraid of black people, here we are. 

So what will this whole mess be about? Hell if i know. My plan is  to watch a movie every single day and blog about it here. Will this last? Will i give up and move on to something else? Will i wear pants while watching these movies?

Relax , we just started this, what's with all the questions. We will figure it out along the way. 

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