Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A Racist Question

So anyone who knows me well, (which is like 4 people), know that i am not a racist person. I mean, my girlfriend and one of my good friends are black, so that counts for something right?

So please forgive me  while I go out on a limb for a second.

Are black people all Retarded?

I ask this because I am currently sitting through the nightmare on earth that is Tyler Perry's Madea Goes To Jail, and the only thing that makes any sense at all is that this was made by, and for people who drool as a first language.

This is Hee Haw but for black people instead of rednecks.

Tyler Perry is the Antichrist, if we don't stop him now, he will grow to be all powerful and soon he will be releasing movies, plays. tv fuck.

Well, I guess white people had a good run. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

ok, so I am like super far behind......

So it's been a while since we have seen each other. Things have been happening, not necessarily good things, but time for movies really. 

Being the trooper that I am, I decided I am going to give this another shot. Truth is I enjoyed doing it,(heh heh) and it gave me an outlet I don't normally have.

So much like the Who Shot JR season of Dallas, let's all just pretend that layoff never happened. 

New movie stuff soon.