Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Some Catching Up To Do:

JCVD: second best movie I have seen this year, behind The Wrestler.  Seriously, I have officially forgiven Jean Claude for everything he has done since Bloodsport....which has ranged from Ok to god fucking awful. The scene where he prays to god, but is really just him spilling his heart out to the camera for ten minutes is unbelievable. Do not let the subtitles slow you down, this is worth watching.

Bride Wars: Women, shopping, diets, hair, weddings, Candace Bergen. These are all the things this movie has that I am not interested in even a small amount. For my next wedding all I need is to be told what time to show up and where. And even then i will probably fuck it up. If you don't like it, don't marry me. Apart from the line about the International Butter Club( which was hilarious), this movie is the cinematic equivalent of Little Caesars Pizza. Sure it will fill you up, but it doesnt really taste like anything.

Watching Benjamin Button tonight, and a documentary called The Tibetan Book Of The Dead next. Cause I'm like deep and shit.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

An Open Letter To Fox Studios

Dear Fox:

Re: X-Men Origins : Wolverine

Fuck You.



Ps you owe me 16 dollars and an hour and 47 minutes of my life.

Friday, May 1, 2009

So, who's really suprised?

So less then a week into this thing i fell behind a little. Like a week behind.

Truth is , it has a lot to do with the flu, a near heart attack, and a bite from a baby monkey named Jojo, but that's a story for later.

Wolverine tonight, Bride Wars, JCVD, and  The Uninvited posts up soon for the three people who read this.